Hola Hermanos y Hermanas! This week has been crazy awesome and I have only been in the CCM for 4 days! It has felt like an eternity, but it has still been amazing! On the way here I had to sit in Houston for 3 hours because my plane got delayed (UGH). While in Houston I met Elder Mikesell and we journeyed on to Mexico City together, and when we got there we waited 2 hours for some other missionaries who had their flights delayed as well. Our group eventually made it to the CCM at around 8pm... we should’ve been there around 5:30pm so... yeah... I’m finally at the CCM and my heart is full! My companion is Elder York and we were made district leader and assistant DL on the first day which was pretty crazy! Elder York and I are pushing each other to learn the language and I’m loving the challenge. My Spanish has already improved and I have only been in Mexico City for 4 days! My first day was sort of funny, we had a workshop where an investigator sat in front of our class of missionaries and we were supposed to ask them questions and teach them about the gospel. We were teaching a girl named Eleanor and she asked “how do I have a relationship with Heavenly Father?” I was the one picked to answer her question, and I was the last one to talk with her, so I felt a lot of pressure. I stood up and bore my testimony that if she wanted to talk with God, all she had to do was pray, and if she read the scriptures God would talk with her! It said a little more than that as well, but I just got such a burning sensation that I knew what I was testifying of was true and it felt so good. I felt like it went so great, however when I was in the lunch room the next day I saw “Eleanor” with her missionary name tag on... we had a good laugh about that one haha! Anyways my district is super awesome and I am loving the CCM (although the food is going to kill me)! I can’t wait to see what challenges and trials are to come! Yo se que jesucristo vive y él es me Salvador. ¡Estoy agradecido por la opportunity ser un Missionaro! ¡Yo tengo mucho amor por la profeta Russel M. Nelson y todos los lideres de la iglesia de jesucristo! ¡Yo se que esta iglesia es verdad y el Libro de Mormón es verdadero! ¡Yo se que orando a dios, su fe incrementará! En el nombre de jesucristo amén. Sinceramente, Elder Griffin
