We are going on an adventure!
This week has definitely gone by faster, but Monday and Tuesday of this week went by so slow. P-day was great we got to play a ton of volleyball so that was fun. In my last game I got accidentally clocked in the face by a guy, after that I decided, with one eye closed, to win the volley for my team with a spike! I’m all good now my eye is just a little bit red now. Elder York accidentally dislocated his finger during basketball today (pics below).
This week there is a ton to talk about. I’m definitely not sick anymore, but this week the Hermanas were feeling sick. They asked Elder York and I for blessings, and I gave my first blessing of comfort to Hermana Emerson. I was kinda nervous, but it went great. I don’t remember what I said, but the spirit was so powerful, and afterward I felt physically exhausted. Definitely a super spiritual experience for the entire class.
Conference was awesome! It went by so fast, and I felt like I didn’t have enough time to write down everything! They started off strong with Elder Holland, and after he dropped the mic we got so many awesome talks. I loved Elder Uchtdorf’s talk about our “Adventure” that we have embarked on. And holy moly President Nelson is the king of cliffhangers!
Thank you to everyone writing emails, I love reading them and I’m very sorry if I can’t respond to them all! Thank you for your encouraging words!
Elder Griffin
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