Greetings from Captain Elder Moroni

¡Buckle Up, It's about to get REAL! I'm going to apologize now, sorry for the long email! I have had some crazy experiences all in just this short week, and much like Elder York would always say, I cannot say the smallest part of which I feel! Tampico is literally INSANE! The people here are so humble and gracious, and they are eager to learn. I came here in the cold season (which people tell me is good) which means I am dealing with freezing temperatures of about 78 - 80 degrees, with 70-90% humidity... Fun times! For real though I love it here, and my companion Elder Tello is super cool, and super spiritual. I have also learned that I am the last American to come to this mission for the next two years! Some elders are saying I will be like Moroni, the last "white dude" in a land of "Lamanites." Just a joke I thought was kinda funny! My first few days have been quite an adventure! On my first day it probably had enough sweat to fill any vsco girl's hydroflask. On my first night we had a huge windstorm that knocked down trees and powerlines, so naturally we lost power for like 4ish days. It's quite an experience trying to smash cockroaches in the dark. Then on my second night we were walking home and I found a ginormous turtle walking out of some grass! It was so cool and one of the biggest turtles I have seen in the area! It was so big I probably could've used it in Mario Kart. I was very close to taking it home but I figured that it would be much happier living free. A semi-spiritual experience I had this week: First, on my third day here I was walking to an appointment and I heard a dog barking but I just tuned it out (because there are so many dogs walking around and barking that you just get used to it). As we kept walking I got this impression to turn around, and as I did right there was a dog running at me snarling its teeth. I put my foot out to kick it away and it stopped just in front of me. Then I pretended to pick up a rock and the angry little thing ran away. Had I not turned around the encounter probably would have ended with me getting a rabies shot... I am very thankful I had received that prompting. Had I not I would've definitely been bitten, and I really don't want that rabies shot haha! Anyways I love you all! Mexico is kinda crazy but it's also very beautiful in many ways. The people are so awesome, the food is great, and there are some parts that are quite beautiful. I'm grateful to the Lord for sending me to a place that I can learn so much from, because I have SOOOOO much to learn! 1. Turtle 2. The Greatest Guys. See y'all in a week! Elder Griffin
