He Flies! He Jumps! He Lurks! Chief Toad Appears!

Buenas Tardes! It seems like I'm always finding joy in these animals and wildlife that I couldn't find before haha! But this week I happened upon a toad, and incredibly large toad! He was hard to catch but I got him. The members we were with were afraid of toads but took lots of pics (Too bad they forgot to send them to me!)! Anyways this week has been super spiritual. The Gift of Tongues is SO real. I feel really close to being fluent. Sometimes, I still get lost, but the language is coming, and it is all thanks to God and his mercy. Through him I have been able to teach much better this week, and act on promptings. When you act on promptings it's crazy how the Lord just fills your mind with what to say. ¡ES BIEN LOCO! We have been able to reactivate a mother and her son and their joy in the church, and participation in lessons is astounding! They have begun to remember again, remember that they accepted this plan that our Father in Heaven gave to us in the premortal life. It has truly strengthened me to see their faith increase again. I'm glad they came back. Show the new nativity video to your friends! Love you all! Elder Griffin
