Feliz Año Nuevo!
A new decade is about to begin...
It's kind of weird that I can say that, it's almost something from a movie. So dramatic. Anyways proselyting on Christmas was fun(kinda). Nobody wanted to talk, so we walked A LOT and ate too much food.
I gave a talk this week in sacrament meeting and I was a little nervous, but at the same time I was excited to share some of my newfound gospel knowledge with the members. I was a little nervous because I left it unfinished, but God helped me out in the end. My testimony of the Gift of Tongues is so incredibly strong because when I gave my talk, I didn't even have to look at my notes. It surprised me how much the spirit just flowed and improved upon my little knowledge of spanish. The members are always telling me that I'm practically fluent, but I still have a lot of work to do. Through the Spirit I will be able to improve, and only through my trust in god.
Estoy muy agradecido por mí mision y por nuestro Padre Celestial. La mision es un gran obra, y es difícil, pero yo sé que por medio de mí dios todos es posible.
¡Les amo mucho!
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