
¡Hola Hermanos y Hermanas! Please forgive me for not writing an email last week. We are getting phones so I have been doing a ton of training in anticipation of getting a smartphone. It's going to be a scary new world with a smartphone, but it will progress our work so much. This week I experienced a very small miracle. We found this lady who like reads the bible out loud and preaches to people. She didn't live in our area, so we couldn't actually set up other appointments to teach her. She told us she lost 50 pesos (Which I figured was her bus and lunch money), and I looked all around the ground for her money, but I found nothing. I wanted to give her some money for a bus ride, but the spirit reminded me that we can't give money out to people. So I thought, "Okay Heavenly Father, help me help this lady out." It was at this point that a young man asked if he could listen to the conversation, and we said sure. She started to argue with us that the prophets of old (Abraham, Moses, Etc.) hadn't seen God, and we were saying that they had, because they did... Anyways my comp was talking with her and I looked down, and I found a 10 peso coin on the ground by her foot, which I knew wasn't there before, and I picked up the 10 pesos, and gave it to her. The young man then said something along the lines of, "Señora you say the prophets hadn't seen God, and you lost your 50 pesos. These missionaries say that the prophets had seen God, and they found 10 pesos. 10 Pesos you couldn't see." I then shared something from The Book of Mormon, and gave my testimony of how The Book of Mormon and the bible are the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The look on her face was truly precious, it should the beginning of understanding. She didn't want to give us her address to pass along, but we made an appointment with the young man Jonaton. As we left Elder Tello said he didn't see that money on the ground, and I was thankful that the Lord helped me provide 10 pesos, enough money for a bus ride, for this woman. I am grateful for this experience he gave me, to demonstrate his love for his missionaries. On another note I had a weird experience with an evil spirit in a home, so that was cool... I guess? Sorry for this email being suuuper long. I just wanted to relay this experience home. And for those who aren't members of the church, guys The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, the truest church on the earth. Talk with the missionaries now, because it will bless your life on this earth, and for eternity. Estoy muy agradecido a mi Padre Celestial por mis experiencias en este mundo. Estoy agradecido por el don de arrepentimiento, y que yo y todas las personas en la tierra puedan ser limpios y cambiado por medio de nuestro salvador Jesucristo. Yo oro por todos de ustedes y mi familia cada noche, y estoy agradecido por sus apoyos en mi misión. ¡Les amo mucho! ¡Cuídense! Elder Griffin
