To Lily, From Your Elder Brother

Hey LilyBug! Lily I miss you sosososososososooo much! I am so thankful for your emails, and I think about you and pray for you every day. I miss all our fun hangouts we had and I miss watching movies together. I remember that one time we watched shrek together and it was so weird, but also super funny. I also miss your spontaneous jokes and intelligence. Lily you are such a kind and pure soul. You are so young and have so much life ahead of you. Keep being good for Mom and Dad, and have strong relationships with Ryan and Sami. It may be hard sometimes because you don't always get along but Family is the most important thing in life. Be like Nephi Lily, be an example for your older siblings. You're an example for me because of how loving you are to others. Be a righteous example in the family. I love you so much Lily. Keep being sooooooooo AWESOME! Elder Griffin 😘😍😙😙😍😙😙😙😍😘😙😘😘😎🎵🎵😂😂😂😋😋🤔🤗🤗😚🤑😱
