I pretty much have no time to write this, but my time with Elder Unguez has been super great! We are working really hard and adjusting to combine our methods of teaching.
We found some really cool people this week, one being a less active man named Juan Rojas and he is a beast. Super strong testimony of the church and he prays like a catholic. He does the whole cross thing with his hands at the end of prayers, he's a beast.
We also had one of our investigators, Ramon, just showed up to church on sunday! I was jumping and cheering because we didn't call him (he didnt have service for his phone) and he just showed up! Aw man it was so cool! He wants to keep going every week, and it's all thanks to the spirit. I feel like everything people said at church this Sunday was for him, because they all talked about the true church.
Also yeah, a goat tried to take my life. It was an interesting experience.
Yo sé que esta iglesia es la iglesia verdadera, y que todas las personas aqui en la tierra necesitan acercarse a nuestro Padre Celestial y su plan para nosotros. No hay una otra manera que podemos encontrar paz, gozo, y felicidad en esta vida. Por favor acérquese mas a el Padre de su alma, y su hijo Jesucristo, quien pagó, con su sangre, por sus pecados, enfermedades, y aflicciones. Le conoce mas que usted sabe. Y mas que puede imaginar.
¡Les Amo!
Elder Griffin
Calle Nicolas Bravo #321
Colonia Bellavista
89159 tampico, Tamaulipas
Calle Nicolas Bravo #321
Colonia Bellavista
89159 tampico, Tamaulipas
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