¿Qué tal?
I am keeping it really short today, don't have a lot of time!
I gave my first successful blessing this week. I have given other blessings but I don't know the language was a difficulty. This time the language was not a difficulty and my head was clear. The words just came and wow it was a cool experience! When I finished the spirit filled the room. We could almost physically feel it embracing us. God is so good to us!!!!!!
Estoy muy agradecido por la iglesia restaurada y que tenemos el sacerdocio para efectuar la obra del Señor en la tierra. Les ruego que usan el sacerdocio para recibir bendiciones en sus vidas y las vidas de otros. ES BIEN PODEROSO!!!!
¡Les Amo!
Elder Griffin
1. Kids we played Futbol with
2. Angel and Max
3. Gallo
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