This week has been a great struggle. I am sitting at a ciber with the owners blasting Lady Gaga and Selena Gomez in the background, but nevertheless I am going to try and offer a spiritual message. I had my first "crazy lady screams in your face" experience. It was a situation right out of The Office. I definitely had The Jim look on my face. We offered a prayer and she rejected blessings. Just kept screaming "¡QUE ASCO!" at me. Triste satanas. So we got hit with some great weather this week. Some cold fronts came in so it was nice and cool for about a day or two. We had some beast lessons on the word of wisdom this week. It's a written truth that if people follow the word of wisdom before baptism they will be more receptive to spiritual truths (It's the same when we live The Law of Chastity). We have really been pushing the word of wisdom this week with our investigators, because sometimes they have a hard time understanding things. We believe and have faith that living the word of wisdom will help them be more receptive to the teachings of the spirit, and help them recognize that they have already accepted this plan before this life. We extended many commitments this week, so if they continue to live the word of wisdom they will be acting in faith, find repentance, and be baptized. I will be putting a voice recording below. I am kind of forgetting english down here so please forgive my lack of grammar! It is an experience we had in the CCM with a spider.... Enjoy. Les Amo, Elder Griffin
