The Church is True, Vertigo, and Nacho (Libre)
Oh boy, here we go.
I have been struggling with some type of sickness on my mission for a little while now. Hermana Robinson diagnosed me with Vertigo. It has been a struggle but hopefully it's gonna get taken care of this week. My Companion has been giving me shots (ouch) and stuff but it hasn't been fun.
On a happy note some awesome stuff happened this week. Albertano, Virginia, and their son Max should be getting baptized this week. They have had a struggle understanding the doctrine, but the spirit has testified to them, and that is the most important part. They love the church and are so aware of the blessings that come from their Father in Heaven when they are faithful and keep the commandments.
This week we met this guy, Nacho, and he speaks perfect english. It was surprising to meet him for the first time because he's got a heavy texan accent. He lived in Texas for 35 years, and now he just moved from Chihuahua Mexico. He is super cool and it has been a blessing to talk in english and share my gospel knowledge in English. The only problem is... I AM FORGETTING ENGLISH. Ah it's okay, The spirit is there! In reality Nacho is free here. He's free from a lot of burdens that have been weighing him down, and we are here for him and helping him learn that God is with him always. In other words Nacho is Libre.
Honestly through the trials this week my testimony has been strengthened. Albertano and his family wouldn't be getting baptized unless this was Christ's true Church. Even through all the sickness both Elder Unguez and I have had this week, Albertano and his family have felt of the love of their Father in Heaven, and they have felt the spirit. Even when I couldn't gather my thoughts fully during lessons, and said some probably complicated or grammatically incorrect things, they are still getting baptized. God is so merciful.
Love You Guys and Take Care,
Elder Griffin
1. Elderes Dunkley, Griffin, Hodge, and Rutherford (Right to Left)
2. Six Hungry Missionaries
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